The live-action comedy follows best friends Shelby and Cyd who, when their aspiring scientist buddy Barry's invention malfunctions, have the ability to go ahead and backward in time whenever they want–and occasionally when they don't. Now, they are confronted with the twists and turns of friendship and must choose between rectifying past errors and gaining insight into the future. While Barry and his helper, Naldo, attempt to reproduce time travel for themselves, Cyd and Shelby use their newly acquired abilities to negotiate high school life and Shelby's naughty twin brothers, Bret and Chet.
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The live-action comedy follows best friends Shelby and Cyd who, when their aspiring scientist buddy Barry's invention malfunctions, have the ability to go ahead and backward in time whenever they want–and occasionally when they don't. Now, they are confronted with the twists and turns of friendship and must choose between rectifying past errors and gaining insight into the future. While Barry and his helper, Naldo, attempt to reproduce time travel for themselves, Cyd and Shelby use their newly acquired abilities to negotiate high school life and Shelby's naughty twin brothers, Bret and Chet.