Batman: The Animated Series takes place in the early years of Bruce Wayne's career as the Caped Crusader, after the events of Batman Begins. Alfred Pennyworth, his butler, helps him improve his talents over the course of the season. When Bruce meets Alfred's goddaughter, Tatsu Yamashiro, he feels at ease. In addition to serving as Bruce's bodyguard, Tatsu has been recruited by Batman to serve as his superhero sidekick.
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Batman: The Animated Series takes place in the early years of Bruce Wayne's career as the Caped Crusader, after the events of Batman Begins. Alfred Pennyworth, his butler, helps him improve his talents over the course of the season. When Bruce meets Alfred's goddaughter, Tatsu Yamashiro, he feels at ease. In addition to serving as Bruce's bodyguard, Tatsu has been recruited by Batman to serve as his superhero sidekick.