Animation series Bob and Margaret, produced in both the United Kingdom and Canada, aired across the globe. This animated series was created by Canadian David Fine and British Alison Snowden for Toronto-based animation studio Nelvana. It was inspired by the Academy Award-winning short film Bob's Birthday, which won the Best Animated Short Film Oscar in1994, and featured the same characters. The show is one of the few Canadian productions to have received regular airtime in the United States. When it aired in prime time on Global Television in Canada, it was the most watched Canadian-produced animated series in the history of the network. Couple Bob and Margaret Fish, a middle-aged couple without children and two dogs named William and Elizabeth, starred in the show. Margaret is a podiatrist, and Bob is a dentist. Everyday concerns and mid-life crises plague Bob and Margaret. Stories frequently center on the banal, but they do it in a way that is both universal and relatable to the audience. Shopping can be difficult, and they have to put up with pals who are a pain in the neck but owe them dinner. First season Bob and Margaret lived in Balham, a South London neighborhood, for the first two seasons of the show. Third and Fourth Seasons were filmed in Toronto, Canada. This allowed the authors to play with the hilarity of cultural differences. The decision was spurred by the fact that many Canadian tax incentives are conditional on stories taking place in Canada, which prompted the change. In order to maintain the series' financial viability, this change was necessary. The show's creators have chosen to take a more executive role in the final two seasons, evaluating and assisting on scripts but not getting as deeply involved as they were in the previous two. Snowden continued to give Margaret's voice, while Andy Hamilton's voice was replaced by Brian George for Bob's character.
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Animation series Bob and Margaret, produced in both the United Kingdom and Canada, aired across the globe. This animated series was created by Canadian David Fine and British Alison Snowden for Toronto-based animation studio Nelvana. It was inspired by the Academy Award-winning short film Bob's Birthday, which won the Best Animated Short Film Oscar in1994, and featured the same characters. The show is one of the few Canadian productions to have received regular airtime in the United States. When it aired in prime time on Global Television in Canada, it was the most watched Canadian-produced animated series in the history of the network. Couple Bob and Margaret Fish, a middle-aged couple without children and two dogs named William and Elizabeth, starred in the show. Margaret is a podiatrist, and Bob is a dentist. Everyday concerns and mid-life crises plague Bob and Margaret. Stories frequently center on the banal, but they do it in a way that is both universal and relatable to the audience. Shopping can be difficult, and they have to put up with pals who are a pain in the neck but owe them dinner. First season Bob and Margaret lived in Balham, a South London neighborhood, for the first two seasons of the show. Third and Fourth Seasons were filmed in Toronto, Canada. This allowed the authors to play with the hilarity of cultural differences. The decision was spurred by the fact that many Canadian tax incentives are conditional on stories taking place in Canada, which prompted the change. In order to maintain the series' financial viability, this change was necessary. The show's creators have chosen to take a more executive role in the final two seasons, evaluating and assisting on scripts but not getting as deeply involved as they were in the previous two. Snowden continued to give Margaret's voice, while Andy Hamilton's voice was replaced by Brian George for Bob's character.