China, IL is an animated Adult Swim series. Brad Neely created the series, which uses his China, IL characters. "The Professor Brothers" Frank and Steve Smith and Mark "Baby" Cakes are characters. Neely voices three characters. Williams Street produces and Titmouse Inc. animates. China, IL has been renewed for a second season with a half-hour runtime. Adult Swim aired The Funeral on the now-defunct Super Deluxe website on May 25, 2008. The special combines Brad Neely's Professor Brothers and Baby Cakes webseries and expanded their world. Brad Neely's YouTube page has the special and additional videos.
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China, IL is an animated Adult Swim series. Brad Neely created the series, which uses his China, IL characters. "The Professor Brothers" Frank and Steve Smith and Mark "Baby" Cakes are characters. Neely voices three characters. Williams Street produces and Titmouse Inc. animates. China, IL has been renewed for a second season with a half-hour runtime. Adult Swim aired The Funeral on the now-defunct Super Deluxe website on May 25, 2008. The special combines Brad Neely's Professor Brothers and Baby Cakes webseries and expanded their world. Brad Neely's YouTube page has the special and additional videos.