Collision is a five-part drama miniseries that premiered in November 2009 on ITV and UTV. In the same month, it aired as a two-part series on PBS. It depicts the story of a group of strangers whose lives are intertwined after a tragic vehicle accident. As stories of everything from government cover-ups and smuggling to theft and murder begin to unravel in the aftermath of the disaster, a number of surprising truths emerge. The story is ostensibly resolved in a metafictional fashion with a flashback to an occurrence in the service station and the swatting of a wasp, which precipitates the first crash, thus allowing the protagonists to continue on their trips. The wasp appears regularly as a motif and topic throughout the series. Collision's original British broadcast was cut from five hours to three and a half hours. The abridged version was shown on PBS's Masterpiece Contemporary in the United States, on ABC1 in Australia, and on the Region 1 DVD release. Collision premiered in its original version of five 45-minute episodes on Foxtel and Austar's W Channel in Australia on Tuesday, March 15th, 2011.
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Collision is a five-part drama miniseries that premiered in November 2009 on ITV and UTV. In the same month, it aired as a two-part series on PBS. It depicts the story of a group of strangers whose lives are intertwined after a tragic vehicle accident. As stories of everything from government cover-ups and smuggling to theft and murder begin to unravel in the aftermath of the disaster, a number of surprising truths emerge. The story is ostensibly resolved in a metafictional fashion with a flashback to an occurrence in the service station and the swatting of a wasp, which precipitates the first crash, thus allowing the protagonists to continue on their trips. The wasp appears regularly as a motif and topic throughout the series. Collision's original British broadcast was cut from five hours to three and a half hours. The abridged version was shown on PBS's Masterpiece Contemporary in the United States, on ABC1 in Australia, and on the Region 1 DVD release. Collision premiered in its original version of five 45-minute episodes on Foxtel and Austar's W Channel in Australia on Tuesday, March 15th, 2011.