Crash & Bernstein is a Disney XD live-action puppet comedy that debuted on October 8, 2012. The sitcom, created by Eric Friedman, follows a 12-year-old son who aspires to have a brother among three sisters. When a puppet named Crash comes to life, his wishes come true. The series' production began in May 2012. The first season of Disney XD was extended to 26 episodes on November9, 2012. On April15,2013, Disney XD renewed the series for a second season, which will broadcast on October7, 2013. Tim Lagasse of Sesame Street and the Muppets plays Crash's voice and puppeteer, while Greg Ballora plays the puppet captain.
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Crash & Bernstein is a Disney XD live-action puppet comedy that debuted on October 8, 2012. The sitcom, created by Eric Friedman, follows a 12-year-old son who aspires to have a brother among three sisters. When a puppet named Crash comes to life, his wishes come true. The series' production began in May 2012. The first season of Disney XD was extended to 26 episodes on November9, 2012. On April15,2013, Disney XD renewed the series for a second season, which will broadcast on October7, 2013. Tim Lagasse of Sesame Street and the Muppets plays Crash's voice and puppeteer, while Greg Ballora plays the puppet captain.