Destination Truth is a weekly paranormal reality television show that debuted on Syfy on June6, 2007. The show, which is produced by Mandt Bros. Productions and Ping Pong Productions, follows paranormal researcher Josh Gates throughout the world as he investigates unexplained claims, primarily in the field of cryptozoology. Season three ended on April21,2010, and the series has been renewed for a fourth season, which will premiere on September9,2010, at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT. On July10,2012, the fifth season began.
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Destination Truth is a weekly paranormal reality television show that debuted on Syfy on June6, 2007. The show, which is produced by Mandt Bros. Productions and Ping Pong Productions, follows paranormal researcher Josh Gates throughout the world as he investigates unexplained claims, primarily in the field of cryptozoology. Season three ended on April21,2010, and the series has been renewed for a fourth season, which will premiere on September9,2010, at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT. On July10,2012, the fifth season began.