Drawn Together aired on Comedy Central from October27, 2004 until November14, 2007. The show, developed by Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein, combines a sitcom and a reality show. Similar to MTV's The Challenge and VH1's The Surreal Life, the show's eight characters are well-known individuals. Drawn Together used cartoon caricatures and stock characters. Also, their character traits spoof reality TV personality types. Comedy Central billed it as the first animated reality show, and some episodes feature challenges akin to reality TV. After 3 seasons, the show was canceled but has a significant fan base. The Drawn Together Movie was released on April20, 2010.
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Drawn Together aired on Comedy Central from October27, 2004 until November14, 2007. The show, developed by Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein, combines a sitcom and a reality show. Similar to MTV's The Challenge and VH1's The Surreal Life, the show's eight characters are well-known individuals. Drawn Together used cartoon caricatures and stock characters. Also, their character traits spoof reality TV personality types. Comedy Central billed it as the first animated reality show, and some episodes feature challenges akin to reality TV. After 3 seasons, the show was canceled but has a significant fan base. The Drawn Together Movie was released on April20, 2010.