Faerie Tale Theatre is a live-action anthology series for children's television that retells iconic fairy tales. Shelley Duvall is the show's narrator, host, and executive producer, as well as an occasional guest star. Tall Tales & Legends, a shorter series based on famous American folk tales, followed Faerie Tale Theatre. Both programs feature well-known performers and directors and were inspired by the children's television series Shirley Temple's Storybook. From 1982 through 1987, Showtime broadcast Faerie Tale Theatre. It later broadcast as edited re-runs on the Disney Channel and in syndication on several television channels, including PBS and BookTelevision.
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Faerie Tale Theatre is a live-action anthology series for children's television that retells iconic fairy tales. Shelley Duvall is the show's narrator, host, and executive producer, as well as an occasional guest star. Tall Tales & Legends, a shorter series based on famous American folk tales, followed Faerie Tale Theatre. Both programs feature well-known performers and directors and were inspired by the children's television series Shirley Temple's Storybook. From 1982 through 1987, Showtime broadcast Faerie Tale Theatre. It later broadcast as edited re-runs on the Disney Channel and in syndication on several television channels, including PBS and BookTelevision.