First aired on SBS TV Australia, Food Safari is an Australian television series about the cuisines brought to Australia by immigrants. Kismet Productions and SBS TV Australia collaborated on the show's production. Each episode, hosted by Maeve O'Meara, focuses on a different country's cuisine. The production and consumption of popular favorites, basic dishes, and desserts is usually the next step after discussing the most regularly used ingredients and where to find them in Australia. After the third season aired in 2008, the show took a break before returning in 2010 with an Italian Food Safari spin-off series hosted by O'Meara and chef Guy Grossi. In 2011, O'Meara and chef Guillaume Brahimi co-hosted a second spin-off series, French Food Safari. There will be a fourth season of Food Safari airing February 14, 2013.
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First aired on SBS TV Australia, Food Safari is an Australian television series about the cuisines brought to Australia by immigrants. Kismet Productions and SBS TV Australia collaborated on the show's production. Each episode, hosted by Maeve O'Meara, focuses on a different country's cuisine. The production and consumption of popular favorites, basic dishes, and desserts is usually the next step after discussing the most regularly used ingredients and where to find them in Australia. After the third season aired in 2008, the show took a break before returning in 2010 with an Italian Food Safari spin-off series hosted by O'Meara and chef Guy Grossi. In 2011, O'Meara and chef Guillaume Brahimi co-hosted a second spin-off series, French Food Safari. There will be a fourth season of Food Safari airing February 14, 2013.