Through the introduction of his friend Danma Ryuji, former famed bike gang member Onizuka Eikichi visits Meishu Academy as a part-time gardener to tend to the trees in the garden. Yoshikawa Noboru, a student in Fuyutsuki Azusa's class, is bullied by Uehara Kyoko and other students. Upon learning this, Onizuka befriends and rescues Yoshikawa. Sakurai Yoshiko, the school's president and administrator, appoints Onizuka as a teacher despite the opposition of her deputy principal Uchiyamada Hideo. As the teacher in charge of the most troublesome class,2–4, Onizuka proceeds to address a variety of concerns.
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Through the introduction of his friend Danma Ryuji, former famed bike gang member Onizuka Eikichi visits Meishu Academy as a part-time gardener to tend to the trees in the garden. Yoshikawa Noboru, a student in Fuyutsuki Azusa's class, is bullied by Uehara Kyoko and other students. Upon learning this, Onizuka befriends and rescues Yoshikawa. Sakurai Yoshiko, the school's president and administrator, appoints Onizuka as a teacher despite the opposition of her deputy principal Uchiyamada Hideo. As the teacher in charge of the most troublesome class,2–4, Onizuka proceeds to address a variety of concerns.