Hawaii Five-O is an American procedural police drama created by CBS Productions and Leonard Freeman. The show initially ran for 12 seasons between 1968 and 1980 and continues to screen in reruns. Jack Lord portrays Detective Lieutenant Steve McGarrett, the leader of a special state police task team modelled on a unit that operated in the 1940s during martial law. The theme music produced by Morton Stevens grew in popularity significantly. Many episodes would conclude with McGarrett directing his subordinate to "Book 'em, Danno!" and stating a charge, such as "murder one."
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Hawaii Five-O is an American procedural police drama created by CBS Productions and Leonard Freeman. The show initially ran for 12 seasons between 1968 and 1980 and continues to screen in reruns. Jack Lord portrays Detective Lieutenant Steve McGarrett, the leader of a special state police task team modelled on a unit that operated in the 1940s during martial law. The theme music produced by Morton Stevens grew in popularity significantly. Many episodes would conclude with McGarrett directing his subordinate to "Book 'em, Danno!" and stating a charge, such as "murder one."