Hero: 108 is a British animated TV show that airs on Cartoon Network, Cartoon Network International, and Kabillion OnDemand in the United States. It is also available on Kabillion OnDemand. There's a show called Yang-Ming Tarng who made it. It's made by companies like Gamania and Hong Ying Animation. It's animated by Mike Young Productions in LA, and it's written by Yang-Ming Tarng. During the week, it starts at 4 pm in the UK. It was first shown on March 1, 2010. : The show was renewed for a second season, which started airing May 7, 2012. It also started airing in the United States June 4, 2012. The show hasn't been shown in Canada.
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Hero: 108 is a British animated TV show that airs on Cartoon Network, Cartoon Network International, and Kabillion OnDemand in the United States. It is also available on Kabillion OnDemand. There's a show called Yang-Ming Tarng who made it. It's made by companies like Gamania and Hong Ying Animation. It's animated by Mike Young Productions in LA, and it's written by Yang-Ming Tarng. During the week, it starts at 4 pm in the UK. It was first shown on March 1, 2010. : The show was renewed for a second season, which started airing May 7, 2012. It also started airing in the United States June 4, 2012. The show hasn't been shown in Canada.