Hometown is a CBS dramedy series that aired from August 22, 1985 to October 15, 1985. The series was a straight remake of the mega successful 1983 film The Big Chill, and it revolved around the same idea of the film: a group of pals in their 30s who had reunited after having gone their own ways during their college days in the 1960s. When they reunited, they discovered that they were an even more important part of each other's life in the 1980s. Executive producers were Julie and Dinah Kirgo, with Barnet Kellman directing the majority of the programs. Hometown was co-produced by Kingette Productions and Paramount Television.
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Hometown is a CBS dramedy series that aired from August 22, 1985 to October 15, 1985. The series was a straight remake of the mega successful 1983 film The Big Chill, and it revolved around the same idea of the film: a group of pals in their 30s who had reunited after having gone their own ways during their college days in the 1960s. When they reunited, they discovered that they were an even more important part of each other's life in the 1980s. Executive producers were Julie and Dinah Kirgo, with Barnet Kellman directing the majority of the programs. Hometown was co-produced by Kingette Productions and Paramount Television.