Boris Dolivet, alias El Diablo, developed the French animated series Lascars, which premiered in 1998 on Canal + in France. The first season aired in 1998 and the second in 2007, a pilot for a 20-minute series, a comic book, and a feature-length film. Most of the voice actors in the show are French rappers, and the plot revolves around the misadventures of a group of young men living in a particular neighborhood. Homiez was the English-language name given to the Lascars shorts that aired on Teletoon in Canada.
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Boris Dolivet, alias El Diablo, developed the French animated series Lascars, which premiered in 1998 on Canal + in France. The first season aired in 1998 and the second in 2007, a pilot for a 20-minute series, a comic book, and a feature-length film. Most of the voice actors in the show are French rappers, and the plot revolves around the misadventures of a group of young men living in a particular neighborhood. Homiez was the English-language name given to the Lascars shorts that aired on Teletoon in Canada.