Max Steel is an animated science fiction–action series that aired from February25, 2000 to January15,2002, based on the Mattel action figure of the same name. Max Steel aired for three seasons, totaling thirty-five episodes, and was aimed towards young guys aged eight to twelve. Direct-to-DVD films kept the main character's existence alive from 2004 until 2012. However, the first film was the only one to maintain the series' continuity. The continuity was disrupted after Endangered Species. "Endangered Species" was the sole film released in America, with further releases taking place in Latin America. The series' voice cast included celebrities such as Chi McBride and Christian Campbell, Neve Campbell's older brother, as well as well-known athletes such as Tony Hawk. Following the insolvency of Netter Digital and Foundation Imaging, Mainframe Entertainment took up production of the third season and films. "Truth Be Told," the final episode, aired on January15, 2002. The first computer-generated series to air on Kids' WB was Max Steel. Disney XD is currently airing a reboot. Characters and storylines, on the other hand, have been changed or removed totally.
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Max Steel is an animated science fiction–action series that aired from February25, 2000 to January15,2002, based on the Mattel action figure of the same name. Max Steel aired for three seasons, totaling thirty-five episodes, and was aimed towards young guys aged eight to twelve. Direct-to-DVD films kept the main character's existence alive from 2004 until 2012. However, the first film was the only one to maintain the series' continuity. The continuity was disrupted after Endangered Species. "Endangered Species" was the sole film released in America, with further releases taking place in Latin America. The series' voice cast included celebrities such as Chi McBride and Christian Campbell, Neve Campbell's older brother, as well as well-known athletes such as Tony Hawk. Following the insolvency of Netter Digital and Foundation Imaging, Mainframe Entertainment took up production of the third season and films. "Truth Be Told," the final episode, aired on January15, 2002. The first computer-generated series to air on Kids' WB was Max Steel. Disney XD is currently airing a reboot. Characters and storylines, on the other hand, have been changed or removed totally.