Sunrise produces the TV anime series Mobile Suit Gundam. Yoshiyuki Tomino created and directed the show, which debuted on Nagoya Broadcasting Network on April 7, 1979, and ran for 43 episodes until January 26, 1980. It was the first Gundam series, and it has since spawned countless sequels and spin-offs. The series was re-edited for theatrical release in 1981 and divided into three films. Yoshikazu Yasuhiko created the characters, and Kunio Okawara created the mechanical designs, including the namesake huge robot, the RX-78-2 Gundam. On February 22, 1981, the first film was released.
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Sunrise produces the TV anime series Mobile Suit Gundam. Yoshiyuki Tomino created and directed the show, which debuted on Nagoya Broadcasting Network on April 7, 1979, and ran for 43 episodes until January 26, 1980. It was the first Gundam series, and it has since spawned countless sequels and spin-offs. The series was re-edited for theatrical release in 1981 and divided into three films. Yoshikazu Yasuhiko created the characters, and Kunio Okawara created the mechanical designs, including the namesake huge robot, the RX-78-2 Gundam. On February 22, 1981, the first film was released.