Mongo Wrestling Alliance is an 11-minute animated comedy cartoon that aired on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim late-night programming block. Pamela Adlon, Tommy Blacha, Will Sasso, Billy West, and Harry Dean Stanton star in the show, which is produced by Metalocalypse co-creator Tommy Blacha and set in the realm of professional wrestling. Ed Piskor created the character designs for the series, which debuted on January 23, 2011.
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Mongo Wrestling Alliance is an 11-minute animated comedy cartoon that aired on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim late-night programming block. Pamela Adlon, Tommy Blacha, Will Sasso, Billy West, and Harry Dean Stanton star in the show, which is produced by Metalocalypse co-creator Tommy Blacha and set in the realm of professional wrestling. Ed Piskor created the character designs for the series, which debuted on January 23, 2011.