Most Dangerous is an American reality television program produced by Nash Entertainment and truTV Original Productions. Initially displaying just rescue footage, it later became a companion to the show Most Shocking. Like its sister show, it incorporates footage of police chases, daring rescues, auto accidents, and other bizarre and absurd content, which some viewers may find frightening. It advertises itself as "Footage too startling for Most Shocking." Currently, new episodes show on Wednesday nights at 9:00 p.m. Eastern, immediately following Most Shocking.
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Most Dangerous is an American reality television program produced by Nash Entertainment and truTV Original Productions. Initially displaying just rescue footage, it later became a companion to the show Most Shocking. Like its sister show, it incorporates footage of police chases, daring rescues, auto accidents, and other bizarre and absurd content, which some viewers may find frightening. It advertises itself as "Footage too startling for Most Shocking." Currently, new episodes show on Wednesday nights at 9:00 p.m. Eastern, immediately following Most Shocking.