Most Haunted is a paranormal mystery documentary reality television series based in the United Kingdom. The series premiered on May 25, 2002, and finished on July 21, 2010. The documentary, led by Yvette Fielding, explored alleged paranormal activity in a number of sites across the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, and other nations. Antix Productions produced it, and it aired on the satellite and cable networks Living TV, Livingit, and Channel One. It aired on the Travel Channel in the United States.
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Most Haunted is a paranormal mystery documentary reality television series based in the United Kingdom. The series premiered on May 25, 2002, and finished on July 21, 2010. The documentary, led by Yvette Fielding, explored alleged paranormal activity in a number of sites across the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, and other nations. Antix Productions produced it, and it aired on the satellite and cable networks Living TV, Livingit, and Channel One. It aired on the Travel Channel in the United States.