The sitcom series One Foot in the Grave airs on the BBC in the United Kingdom. The adventures of Victor Meldrew and Margaret, his long-suffering wife, are chronicled throughout the series. The programs almost always focus on Meldrew's efforts to overcome the obstacles that he has brought upon himself. Victor is forced to retire at a younger age than he had planned, and he does so while living in an ordinary household in an unnamed English suburb. The sitcom revolves around the protagonist's many attempts to keep himself occupied, all the while running into a variety of setbacks and misunderstandings. The majority of the series was shot on location at Walkford, which is located close to New Milton in the state of Hampshire; nevertheless, there are various hints that suggest the series may have taken place in Hampshire, namely Winchester. In spite of the fact that the show is produced in a conventional manner, it utilizes a domestic comedy setting but injects it with aspects of both dark humor and surrealism.
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The sitcom series One Foot in the Grave airs on the BBC in the United Kingdom. The adventures of Victor Meldrew and Margaret, his long-suffering wife, are chronicled throughout the series. The programs almost always focus on Meldrew's efforts to overcome the obstacles that he has brought upon himself. Victor is forced to retire at a younger age than he had planned, and he does so while living in an ordinary household in an unnamed English suburb. The sitcom revolves around the protagonist's many attempts to keep himself occupied, all the while running into a variety of setbacks and misunderstandings. The majority of the series was shot on location at Walkford, which is located close to New Milton in the state of Hampshire; nevertheless, there are various hints that suggest the series may have taken place in Hampshire, namely Winchester. In spite of the fact that the show is produced in a conventional manner, it utilizes a domestic comedy setting but injects it with aspects of both dark humor and surrealism.