Our World War is an engrossing factual drama series that immerses viewers in the remarkable bravery of young men fighting 100 years ago. It employs visual techniques and visuals familiar from modern conflict — POV helmet camera footage, surveillance photographs, and night vision–to immerse the BBC Three audience in life on the Western Front, based on genuine stories of World War One troops. Each episode is based on first-hand evidence, interviews, and memoirs that expose frequently hidden and often horrific realities of combat.
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Our World War is an engrossing factual drama series that immerses viewers in the remarkable bravery of young men fighting 100 years ago. It employs visual techniques and visuals familiar from modern conflict — POV helmet camera footage, surveillance photographs, and night vision–to immerse the BBC Three audience in life on the Western Front, based on genuine stories of World War One troops. Each episode is based on first-hand evidence, interviews, and memoirs that expose frequently hidden and often horrific realities of combat.