The 1999 British television series Queer as Folk follows the lives of three homosexual men residing in Manchester's gay town around Canal Street. Russell T. Davies was responsible for writing both Queer as Folk and Queer as Folk 2. As part of Channel 4's 25th birthday festivities, the first season was rebroadcast on More 4 from October 14 to 18, 2007. Red Production Company created the Channel 4 series Queer as Folk. The title of the show is derived from a Northern English dialect statement, "there's nowt so queer as folk," which translates to "there's nothing as bizarre as people" and is a pun on the contemporary English word for homosexual, "queer." Originally titled by Davies, the programme was renamed Queer as Fuck at the request of Channel 4 officials during its conception and pre-production before reverting to its original moniker.
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The 1999 British television series Queer as Folk follows the lives of three homosexual men residing in Manchester's gay town around Canal Street. Russell T. Davies was responsible for writing both Queer as Folk and Queer as Folk 2. As part of Channel 4's 25th birthday festivities, the first season was rebroadcast on More 4 from October 14 to 18, 2007. Red Production Company created the Channel 4 series Queer as Folk. The title of the show is derived from a Northern English dialect statement, "there's nowt so queer as folk," which translates to "there's nothing as bizarre as people" and is a pun on the contemporary English word for homosexual, "queer." Originally titled by Davies, the programme was renamed Queer as Fuck at the request of Channel 4 officials during its conception and pre-production before reverting to its original moniker.