The American television series Reunion debuted on FOX in the latter half of the year 2005. The series was supposed to be a chronicle of 20 years in the lives of a group of six high school friends from Bedford, New York. Each episode was supposed to follow one year in the lives of the six, starting with the year1986, when the six friends graduated from high school. In addition, scenes from the present were included in each episode, depicting Detective Marjorino's investigation into the violent slaying of one of the group's members on the evening of their 20-year class reunion in 2006. The identity of the person who had been murdered was not disclosed until the fifth episode, which was titled "1990." The series was discontinued after only nine episodes as a result of the low ratings it received, and the identity of the murderer was never revealed in any of the episodes that were broadcast.
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The American television series Reunion debuted on FOX in the latter half of the year 2005. The series was supposed to be a chronicle of 20 years in the lives of a group of six high school friends from Bedford, New York. Each episode was supposed to follow one year in the lives of the six, starting with the year1986, when the six friends graduated from high school. In addition, scenes from the present were included in each episode, depicting Detective Marjorino's investigation into the violent slaying of one of the group's members on the evening of their 20-year class reunion in 2006. The identity of the person who had been murdered was not disclosed until the fifth episode, which was titled "1990." The series was discontinued after only nine episodes as a result of the low ratings it received, and the identity of the murderer was never revealed in any of the episodes that were broadcast.