This animated series, directed by Genndy Tartakovsky, follows the story of a great warrior who is sent into the future by the evil shape-shifting magician Aku. Under Aku's control, the earth has become a desolate realm, divided into strange tribes and dominated by Aku's terrible robot warlords. Jack goes across this strange world in search of a time vortex that will allow him to return to his native time and "reverse the future that is Aku!"
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This animated series, directed by Genndy Tartakovsky, follows the story of a great warrior who is sent into the future by the evil shape-shifting magician Aku. Under Aku's control, the earth has become a desolate realm, divided into strange tribes and dominated by Aku's terrible robot warlords. Jack goes across this strange world in search of a time vortex that will allow him to return to his native time and "reverse the future that is Aku!"