Jang Nara, Choi Daniel, Lee Jong-suk, and Kim Woo-bin star as the main characters in the South Korean television series School2013, which debuted in 2012. Within the confines of one cramped classroom at Seung Ri High School, the teen drama depicts the struggles and conundrums that modern-day Korean youth face, such as bullying, student suicides, school violence, deteriorating teacher-student relations, private tutoring, and other real-life issues that arise in high schools today. It is the fifth episode of the "School" series that was shown on KBS between the years 1999 and 2002. It began airing on KBS2 on Mondays and Tuesdays at 21:55 beginning on December3, 2012 and continued until January28,2013, for a total of 16 episodes.
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Jang Nara, Choi Daniel, Lee Jong-suk, and Kim Woo-bin star as the main characters in the South Korean television series School2013, which debuted in 2012. Within the confines of one cramped classroom at Seung Ri High School, the teen drama depicts the struggles and conundrums that modern-day Korean youth face, such as bullying, student suicides, school violence, deteriorating teacher-student relations, private tutoring, and other real-life issues that arise in high schools today. It is the fifth episode of the "School" series that was shown on KBS between the years 1999 and 2002. It began airing on KBS2 on Mondays and Tuesdays at 21:55 beginning on December3, 2012 and continued until January28,2013, for a total of 16 episodes.