The eleventh version of Hanna-Scooby-Doo Barbera's animated series, Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated, is the first one that doesn't air first on Saturday mornings. The series is made by Warner Bros. Animation and Cartoon Network. The first episode aired on April 5, 2010, on Cartoon Network in the United States, and the first episode was shown again on July 12, 2010. The show ended on April 5, 2013, after two seasons and a total of fifty-two episodes, or twenty-six per season. Mystery, Inc. goes back to Scooby and the gang's early days, when they were still solving mysteries in their hometown. It also makes many references to other versions of the franchise, including many cases and creatures from the first Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!. The show takes a tongue-in-cheek approach to the classic Scooby-Doo formula. Each villain's story has more and more crazy technology, skills, and situations, and each episode ends with a different take on the famous "meddling kids" line. On the other hand, there are two things that have never been used in a Scooby-Doo series before: a serial format with an ongoing story arc that has many dark plot elements that are taken almost totally seriously, and ongoing relationship drama between the characters.
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