Solsidan is a Swedish comedy show that first aired on TV4 on January 29, 2010. The series is called "Solsidan" after a small part of Saltsjobaden. It's about Alex and Anna, who are having their first child and just moved to Saltsjobaden, Stockholm County, where Alex grew up. Alex tries to make Anna have fun and spend time with his old friend Fredde at the same time. In the first season, there were going to be ten episodes. On January 16, 2011, the second season of ten episodes began.
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Solsidan is a Swedish comedy show that first aired on TV4 on January 29, 2010. The series is called "Solsidan" after a small part of Saltsjobaden. It's about Alex and Anna, who are having their first child and just moved to Saltsjobaden, Stockholm County, where Alex grew up. Alex tries to make Anna have fun and spend time with his old friend Fredde at the same time. In the first season, there were going to be ten episodes. On January 16, 2011, the second season of ten episodes began.