Spider-Man: The Animated Series was an American animated television series based on the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man. From November19, 1994 through January31,1998, the show aired on Fox Kids. Marvel Films Animation was the production firm, while John Semper, Jr. was the producer/story editor. Aerosmith's Joe Perry performed the series' instrumental theme music. Reruns can presently be viewed for free on Marvel.com.
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Spider-Man: The Animated Series was an American animated television series based on the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man. From November19, 1994 through January31,1998, the show aired on Fox Kids. Marvel Films Animation was the production firm, while John Semper, Jr. was the producer/story editor. Aerosmith's Joe Perry performed the series' instrumental theme music. Reruns can presently be viewed for free on Marvel.com.