Chiaki Konaka wrote the screenplay for Texhnolyze, a Japanese animation series that was directed by Hiroshi Hamasaki and produced by Yasuyuki Ueda. Lux is a subterranean city that is both vibrant and decaying. Locals in Lux now refer to "The City" as a sentient entity. Organo, a strictly professional conglomerate with ties to the criminal underworld in the prosthetics business; the Union, a fanatical populist group that meddles in Organo's business; and Racan, a group of Texhnolyzed youths who go on raids. Onishi, the Organo's young but level-headed executive who has many adversaries, and Ran, a little girl with a very important gift that impacts the entire city, are three characters who stand out among the series' ensemble cast. Major events that affect the city's future play out in front of the protagonists, who are doing their best to overcome the obstacles in their path. A total of twenty episodes of Texhnolyze were shown on Fuji Television between April 16 and September 24 of 2003. The DVD release contained two "hidden" episodes.
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Chiaki Konaka wrote the screenplay for Texhnolyze, a Japanese animation series that was directed by Hiroshi Hamasaki and produced by Yasuyuki Ueda. Lux is a subterranean city that is both vibrant and decaying. Locals in Lux now refer to "The City" as a sentient entity. Organo, a strictly professional conglomerate with ties to the criminal underworld in the prosthetics business; the Union, a fanatical populist group that meddles in Organo's business; and Racan, a group of Texhnolyzed youths who go on raids. Onishi, the Organo's young but level-headed executive who has many adversaries, and Ran, a little girl with a very important gift that impacts the entire city, are three characters who stand out among the series' ensemble cast. Major events that affect the city's future play out in front of the protagonists, who are doing their best to overcome the obstacles in their path. A total of twenty episodes of Texhnolyze were shown on Fuji Television between April 16 and September 24 of 2003. The DVD release contained two "hidden" episodes.