The Paul Reiser Show is an NBC-aired American television sitcom starring Paul Reiser. In May 2010, NBC announced that the series has been given the green light for the 2010–11 television season, with the half-hour comedy set to debut as a midseason replacement. The debut of the series was on April 14, 2011, at 8:30 p.m. After broadcasting only two episodes, the program was terminated on April 22, 2011, due to exceedingly poor ratings.
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The Paul Reiser Show is an NBC-aired American television sitcom starring Paul Reiser. In May 2010, NBC announced that the series has been given the green light for the 2010–11 television season, with the half-hour comedy set to debut as a midseason replacement. The debut of the series was on April 14, 2011, at 8:30 p.m. After broadcasting only two episodes, the program was terminated on April 22, 2011, due to exceedingly poor ratings.