Created by Willem Brom, Beau van Erven Dorens and Marc Bennink is The Phone, a Dutch reality television series. There will be two hidden cell phones in each episode, chosen at random by the show's producers. As soon as the phones start ringing, those who answer them are automatically considered players in the game. These two individuals now have the opportunity to win €25,000 by working together to complete the provided tasks. Rather than being shot like a reality show, this production has the distinction of being shot in the style of a film. Movies like Die Hard with a Vengeance influenced it. Public broadcaster AVRO in The Netherlands aired the first episode of The Phone on July 6, 2007. A total of 52 countries have already purchased tickets for the concert. It was awarded the Rose d'Or for Best Reality in 2008 for this film.
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Created by Willem Brom, Beau van Erven Dorens and Marc Bennink is The Phone, a Dutch reality television series. There will be two hidden cell phones in each episode, chosen at random by the show's producers. As soon as the phones start ringing, those who answer them are automatically considered players in the game. These two individuals now have the opportunity to win €25,000 by working together to complete the provided tasks. Rather than being shot like a reality show, this production has the distinction of being shot in the style of a film. Movies like Die Hard with a Vengeance influenced it. Public broadcaster AVRO in The Netherlands aired the first episode of The Phone on July 6, 2007. A total of 52 countries have already purchased tickets for the concert. It was awarded the Rose d'Or for Best Reality in 2008 for this film.