The Spectacular Spider-Man is an American animated television series based on the Marvel Comics superhero character and produced by Greg Weisman and Victor Cook. Tonally and stylistically, the series is mostly based on the original stories by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, with a similar balance of action, drama, and comedy with a high school setting. However, it also uses material from all eras of the comic's run and other sources, including the film series and the Ultimate Spider-Man comics. The Spectacular Spider-Man launched on The CW's Kids' WB programming block on March 8, 2008, to widespread critical praise. The series' second season premiered on Marvel's sibling network, Disney XD, in the United States on November 18, 2009, and received positive critical reception. Although a third season had been planned, production was canceled before it could begin.
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The Spectacular Spider-Man is an American animated television series based on the Marvel Comics superhero character and produced by Greg Weisman and Victor Cook. Tonally and stylistically, the series is mostly based on the original stories by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, with a similar balance of action, drama, and comedy with a high school setting. However, it also uses material from all eras of the comic's run and other sources, including the film series and the Ultimate Spider-Man comics. The Spectacular Spider-Man launched on The CW's Kids' WB programming block on March 8, 2008, to widespread critical praise. The series' second season premiered on Marvel's sibling network, Disney XD, in the United States on November 18, 2009, and received positive critical reception. Although a third season had been planned, production was canceled before it could begin.