The Time Tunnel is an American color science fiction television series that aired in the United States from 1966 to1967. The show centers on the exciting concept of time travel. This was the third science fiction television series that Irwin Allen had created and produced, and it was distributed by 20th Century Fox and broadcast on ABC. The show aired for a single season, which consisted of thirty episodes. You may watch repeats on cable as well as via streaming on the internet. In2002, a pilot episode for a brand-new series was created; however, the series ultimately did not get picked up.
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The Time Tunnel is an American color science fiction television series that aired in the United States from 1966 to1967. The show centers on the exciting concept of time travel. This was the third science fiction television series that Irwin Allen had created and produced, and it was distributed by 20th Century Fox and broadcast on ABC. The show aired for a single season, which consisted of thirty episodes. You may watch repeats on cable as well as via streaming on the internet. In2002, a pilot episode for a brand-new series was created; however, the series ultimately did not get picked up.