Comedy series Twenty Twelve was created and directed by John Morton for the BBC's television network. It features Hugh Bonneville, Jessica Hynes, and Amelia Bullmore in a mock documentary about the 2012 Summer Olympics in London's preparations, which were filmed on location. To mark the 500-day countdown before the Olympic Opening Ceremony, BBC Four aired it in March 2011. Second series of Twenty Twelve, which began airing on BBC Two on March30,2012, received mostly favourable reviews from critics. Series 2's third and last installment aired on July 10th,2012, followed by two more episodes. Last episode aired on 24 July2012, three days before the Olympic Games' opening ceremony in London. The series was canceled after this final episode.
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Comedy series Twenty Twelve was created and directed by John Morton for the BBC's television network. It features Hugh Bonneville, Jessica Hynes, and Amelia Bullmore in a mock documentary about the 2012 Summer Olympics in London's preparations, which were filmed on location. To mark the 500-day countdown before the Olympic Opening Ceremony, BBC Four aired it in March 2011. Second series of Twenty Twelve, which began airing on BBC Two on March30,2012, received mostly favourable reviews from critics. Series 2's third and last installment aired on July 10th,2012, followed by two more episodes. Last episode aired on 24 July2012, three days before the Olympic Games' opening ceremony in London. The series was canceled after this final episode.