A captivating 16-year-old with a checkered past named Danny Desai, who has just returned to his hometown after serving five years in a juvenile facility, is the protagonist of this suspenseful, hour-long mystery that is packed with unexpected twists and turns. After being immediately labeled a social pariah, Danny makes an effort to reestablish connections with his two childhood best friends, Jo and Lacey. But after a fellow student's body is discovered in her house, Danny is immediately fingered as the primary suspect, and the community quickly descends into a state of paranoia and intrigue as a result. It is up to Jo and Lacey to decide whether or not their boyhood friend is inexcusable, or whether or not he is, in fact, a victim being hounded for his own twisted secrets.
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A captivating 16-year-old with a checkered past named Danny Desai, who has just returned to his hometown after serving five years in a juvenile facility, is the protagonist of this suspenseful, hour-long mystery that is packed with unexpected twists and turns. After being immediately labeled a social pariah, Danny makes an effort to reestablish connections with his two childhood best friends, Jo and Lacey. But after a fellow student's body is discovered in her house, Danny is immediately fingered as the primary suspect, and the community quickly descends into a state of paranoia and intrigue as a result. It is up to Jo and Lacey to decide whether or not their boyhood friend is inexcusable, or whether or not he is, in fact, a victim being hounded for his own twisted secrets.