The UFO Files is an American television series that first aired on The History Channel between the years of 2004 and 2007. The subject matter of the show includes the phenomenon of unidentified flying and submerged objects, close encounters with purported extraterrestrial life, and alleged military and government cover-up conspiracies. UFO Hunters, a subsequent series, made its debut on the same channel in the year 2008 after it had been announced.
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The UFO Files is an American television series that first aired on The History Channel between the years of 2004 and 2007. The subject matter of the show includes the phenomenon of unidentified flying and submerged objects, close encounters with purported extraterrestrial life, and alleged military and government cover-up conspiracies. UFO Hunters, a subsequent series, made its debut on the same channel in the year 2008 after it had been announced.