Zoey 101 is an American television sitcom that debuted on Nickelodeon on January 9, 2005 and ran until May 2, 2008, when it was moved to Disney Channel. The story follows the lives of Zoey Brooks, a young girl, and her pals when they are enrolled in Pacific Coast Academy, a made-up boarding school located in Southern California. Dan Schneider was the one who came up with the idea. Initially, production took place at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California; but, beginning with the third season, shooting moved to stages in Valencia, California. In 2005, it was considered for an Emmy in the category of "Outstanding Children's Program." Due to the fact that Zoey 101 was produced entirely on location in Malibu, it was the most expensive production that Nickelodeon has ever undertaken for a television series. Additionally, it was Nickelodeon's best result for a series premiere in almost eight years, making it the network's best performance overall. In spite of this, a significant number of reviewers have expressed unfavorable opinions concerning the show, the location, and the characters.
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