Director Daniel Stine's feature film debut Virginia Minnesota, a narrative of a fractured friendship seeking fresh ground, begins with a young woman at a crossroads. Lyle (Rachel Hendrix), unsure about her life path, embarks on an unexpected road trip, where she runs across an old acquaintance, Addison (Aurora Perrinau). Addison is also lost, and the two end up on the road together. Addison and Lyle, separated by a childhood trauma, must confront their shared history in order to go on as adults. They discover not only the impact of their lost friendship on their current lives, but also how their new bond will shape their future as young adults.
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Director Daniel Stine's feature film debut Virginia Minnesota, a narrative of a fractured friendship seeking fresh ground, begins with a young woman at a crossroads. Lyle (Rachel Hendrix), unsure about her life path, embarks on an unexpected road trip, where she runs across an old acquaintance, Addison (Aurora Perrinau). Addison is also lost, and the two end up on the road together. Addison and Lyle, separated by a childhood trauma, must confront their shared history in order to go on as adults. They discover not only the impact of their lost friendship on their current lives, but also how their new bond will shape their future as young adults.